Having decided on a concept, it is time to bring it to the level of product. This is done via a detailed design phase, where the functionalities, materials and production processes for the product are worked out. Moreover, the colour palette and marketing aspects are decided on. This phase also results in a prototype to clearly communicate the design.

Detailed design

Colour palette

Colours have a high impact on people, actually being one of the aspects that biases the way consumers make ethical judgments, as has been said by Sundar, whose has researched the role of colour in branding. In his series of studies, Sundar found evidence that colour shapes opinion about eco-friendliness (Study Suggests Green Is Good; Blue Is Better, 2015). That is why, in order to choose the colour palette the coffee machine will be available in, research is conducted around colours that are perceived as sustainable. The second aspect that is taken into account is the brand Nespresso, whose portfolio the machine has to fit into.

As for the colours, that are thought to be sustainable, they are tones representing nature: of course green, that connect nicely with the nature, but also represents tranquillity, which matches with the aim of Nespresso to offer a moment of solitude in a busy day. However, in recent years, the positive image of green has been getting demolished by companies using green for greenwashing. That is why it is a good idea to use other colours next to green, building a stronger perception of sustainability.

Interestingly, from Sundar’s and Kellaris’s research it turned out that blue is found ‘greener" than green in the eyes of customers (Study Suggests Green Is Good; Blue Is Better, 2015). In addition, all types of earthy neutrals, like various shades of brown, beige and taupe, are not only timeless but also environmentally friendly as they mimic the earth’s tones (Albao, 2023).

Nespresso uses mainly different silvers combined with black or white. A few models are available in more colours, like red, light green, dark blue, orange, having either a metallic or matte finish. Based on that the colour palette should be kept limited, having only a few options to choose from and featuring one or maximum two colours on one product. The colours have to give off a luxurious and high quality atmosphere.

In the end a colour palette consisting of four colours is chosen, featuring earthy tones, that still give off a luxurious vibe.

The full colour research can be found in Appendix ‘’Sustainable colour research’’

Colour options on machine

Colour palette choices