Having formulated a clear vision for the sustainable coffee solution, the ideation phase starts with brainstorming. The ideas are evaluated and elaborated further starting with figuring out the mechanical working principles. Lastly the exterior appearance is designed, leading into a final concept.

Ideas to concept


In the process of designing, different patents are also researched. This helps to get valuable insights into the latest innovations and technologies, but also helps you avoid legal issues and potential lawsuits. In the process four patents are examined.

The first patent focuses on the manufacturing of compostable capsules for beverages. Since these capsules are made of purely organic material, they are allowed in the organic waste bin. This allows the pods to be disposed of sustainably and easily. For our sustainable coffee machine, the idea of organic coffee pods is used. By using the method outlined in this patent, a manufacturing method for producing organic coffee pods for our machine has been found.[1]

The second patent covers the growing process and use of mycelium, a fungal material, for food-related products. Most notably, the use of mycelium as a packaging material for food is discussed. The relevance of this patent becomes clear when it is considered that the coffee discs for our coffee machine can be coated with a layer of mycelium. By adapting mycelium as the main coating material for the coffee, we strive to create a fully organic coffee capsule.[2]

The third patent provides information regarding the use of chitosan as a film for food products. This film has beneficial properties, one of which is a low oxygen permeability. The significance of chitosan's low oxygen permeability becomes evident when considering its application as a covering film for the coffee discs. For our coffee machine, we aim to provide the coffee discs with a layer of chitosan to block oxygen. This prevents the degradation of the coffee due to air, which in turn helps the coffee stay fresh for longer periods.[3]

The fourth patent relates to the mechanical aspect of the coffee machine, particularly to the method of securing the brewing head in place. As seen by the drawing provided in the patent, the main method for locking the brewing head in place is by utilising a latch.[4]

For the coffee machine, inspiration is taken from the latch design as seen in the drawings. This is to ensure that the machine can operate reliably, whilst still being robust and user-friendly. The main element of interest is the protruding beam with a cylindrical handle. Moreover, the classification of this patent aligns closely with the coffee machine designed. Therefore, it is very likely that the machine will get the same classification.

1 Espacenet – Method for manufacturing a compostable beverage capsule. (n.d.). https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/078822255/publication/WO2023088880A1?q=WO2023088880A1

2 Espacenet – Methods for growing fungal mycelium and forming edible products therefrom. (n.d.-b). https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/068765588/publication/WO2019237059A1?q=pn%3DWO2019237059A1

3 Espacenet – Composition having chitosan and film therefrom. (n.d.-c). https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/018980848/publication/JP2002327090A?q=pn%3DJP2002327090A

4 Espacenet – Brewing head for coffee portion capsules in an espresso machine. (n.d.-d). https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/025962468/publication/WO9608990A1?q=pn%3DEP0730425A1

Method of securing the brewing head